Percentage Calculator

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Calculate Percentage Amount

Calculate Principal Amount

Find Percentage Rate (%)

percent Percentage Calculator Online
Categories → Math Tools, Finance Tools

Online percentage calculator

With this percentage calculator, you can find the value that makes up the percent portion of a percentage equation. You can also calculate percent when the amount and value are known, or find the original amount when the value and percent are known.

Answer questions like % of X, what % is X in Y, or X is Y% of what? can be calculated using this tool.

Here are the three components required for a percentage formula:

  1. Principal amount (original amount)
  2. Percentage Rate (as a % sign)
  3. Interest amount (earned from the percentage rate)

How to calculate the percentage amount when the principal amount and percent rate are known? Or, what is the percentage amount finding formula?

By knowing the principal amount (P) and the percentage rate (R), we can easily calculate the interest amount (I).

  Percentage Amount = Principal Amount x Percentage Rate / 100

That means multiplying the original amount by the percentage and dividing by 100.

How to find principal amount while I have the percentage rate and its interest amount?

If the interest amount (Interest) and the percentage rate (Percentage) are known, we can easily find out the actual amount (Principal)....

  Principal Amount = Interest Amount x 100 / Percentage Rate

That is, the interest amount must be multiplied by 100 and divided by the percentage rate.

How to calculate percentage rate (%) easily?

Similarly, if the principal (P) and interest amount (I) are known, the formula to find the percentage is (%).

  Percentage Rate = Interest Amount x 100 / Principal Amount

That is, the interest amount multiplied by 100 is divided by the principal amount.

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  • Choose an option that relates to your query from the top.
  • Provide values in the input box, and the answer will update in real time.
  • You can enter any number of values. Negative values are also allowed.
  • Also, check the formulas with real-time calculations online.
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